IGNITION(H4DO) > Spark PlugREMOVALSpark plug:Refer to “SPECIFICATION” for spark plug. General Description > SPECIFICATION">1. RH SIDE1. Disconnect the ground cable from battery. NOTE">2. Remove the air cleaner case. Air Cleaner Case > REMOVAL">3. Disco ...
Dtc p0604 internal control module random access memory (ram) error
CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSMISSION (DIAGNOSTICS) > Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)DTC P0604 INTERNAL CONTROL MODULE RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY (RAM) ERRORDTC DETECTING CONDITION:Detected when two consecutive driving cycles with fault occur.TROUBLE SYMPTOM:TCM RAM malfunctionSTEP ...
Airflow mode selection
To select the airflow mode:
Type A, B and C: Turn the airflow mode
selection dial.
Type D: Press the airflow mode selection
To select the defrost mode:
Type A and B: Turn the airflow mode
selection dial.
Type C and D: Press the defroster button.
Airflow modes are as follows. ...