LIGHTING SYSTEM > General DescriptionCAUTION• Before disassembling or reassembling parts, always disconnect the battery ground cable from battery. When replacing the audio, control module and other parts provided with memory functions, record the memory contents before disconnecting the bat ...
Dtc b2a08 sos button circuit
TELEMATICS SYSTEM (DIAGNOSTICS) > Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)DTC B2A08 SOS BUTTON CIRCUITDiagnosis start condition:When ignition switch is ON.DTC detecting condition:The following conditions occur for at least 50 ms.• SOS button impedance is more than 10 k?.&bull ...
List of diagnostic trouble code (dtc) List
ENGINE (DIAGNOSTICS)(H4DO) > List of Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)LISTDTCItemNoteB1570ANTENNA Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) > DTC B1570 ANTENNA">B1571REFERENCE CODE INCOMPATIBILITY (IMMOBILIZER CM TO ECM) Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) ...