If you must rock the vehicle to free it from snow, sand, or mud, depress the accelerator pedal slightly and move the shift lever/select lever back and forth between "1"/"D" and "R" repeatedly. Do not race the engine. For the best possible traction, avoid spinning the wheels when trying to free the vehicle.
When the road surface is extremely slippery, you can obtain better traction by starting the vehicle with the transmission in 2nd than 1st (both for MT and CVT models).
If your vehicle is a CVT model, for information about holding the transmission in the 2nd position, refer to "Selection of manual mode" F7-26.
Update contacts from phone
Operation methods differ between PBAP
(Phone Book Access Profile) compatible
and PBAP incompatible but OPP (Object
Push Profile) compatible Bluetooth
1. Display the "PHONE" screen. Refer to
"How to change the hands-free phone system" F5-73.
2. Touch the "Contacts" key, and then
s ...
DIFFERENTIALS > Rear Differential Mount BushingREPLACEMENTCAUTION:• If there was so much rust in the rear differential mount bushing, remove the rust before starting work.• Apply the molybdenum grease on the square thread of the ST (shaft and nut) before use.1. Remove the rear differe ...
Idle speed Inspection
MECHANICAL(H4DO) > Idle SpeedINSPECTION1. Before checking the idle speed, check the following item:(1) Check the air cleaner element is free from clogging, ignition timing is correct, spark plugs are in good condition, and hoses are connected properly.(2) Check the malfunction indicator light doe ...