Subaru Crosstrek manuals

Subaru Crosstrek Service Manual: Removal

INTAKE (INDUCTION)(H4DO) > Air Cleaner Element


1. Disconnect the ground cable from battery. NOTE">

2. Remove the air intake duct. Air Intake Duct > REMOVAL">

3. Disconnect the connector (A) from the mass air flow and intake air temperature sensor, and remove the clip (B).

4. Loosen the clamp (A) which secures the air intake boot to the air cleaner case (rear), and then remove the clip (B) from the air cleaner case (front).

5. Remove the air cleaner case (rear) and air cleaner element.

INTAKE (INDUCTION)(H4DO) > Air Cleaner ElementINSPECTION1. Check that the air cleaner element has no deformation, cracks or other damages.2. Check the air cleaner element for excessive dirt.3. Repl ...

INTAKE (INDUCTION)(H4DO) > Air Cleaner ElementINSTALLATIONInstall in the reverse order of removal.CAUTION:Be sure to use SUBARU genuine air cleaner element depending on the engine type when replaci ...

Other materials:

BRAKE > Rear Brake PadREMOVAL1. Lift up the vehicle, and then remove the rear wheels.2. Remove the rear brake pad.(1) Remove the bolts and remove the brake hose bracket.(2) Remove the caliper bolt, and raise and hold the caliper body assembly.NOTE:Do not disconnect the brake hose from the caliper ...

LAN SYSTEM (DIAGNOSTICS) > CAN Communication Circuit CheckLISTResistance value between CAN Hi and LoContents of inspectionRemarksGround short inspection CAN Communication Circuit Check > INSPECTION">Shorted to ground in the communication circuit or control module.Battery short inspecti ...

General diagnostic table Inspection
CLUTCH SYSTEM > General Diagnostic TableINSPECTION1. CLUTCHSymptomsPossible causeCorrective action1. Clutch slippageIt is hard to perceive clutch slippage in the early stage, but pay attention to the following symptoms.• Engine temporarily speeds up when the accelerator ON immediately after ...

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