FUEL INJECTION (FUEL SYSTEMS)(H4DO) > Engine Oil Temperature Sensor
If the engine oil is spilt over exhaust pipe or the under cover, wipe it off with cloth to avoid emission of smoke or causing a fire.
1. Disconnect the ground cable from battery.
2. Disconnect the connector (A) from the engine oil temperature sensor, and remove the engine oil temperature sensor from the chain cover.
REAR SUSPENSION > Rear Shock AbsorberASSEMBLY1. Before assembly, check each part. Rear Shock Absorber > INSPECTION">2. Using a coil spring compressor, compress the coil spring - rear.CAUTION:When installing the coil spring compressor to the coil spring, follow the operation manual acc ...
AIRBAG SYSTEM > Airbag Control ModuleREMOVALCAUTION:• Before handling the airbag system components, refer to “CAUTION” of “General Description” in “AIRBAG SYSTEM”. General Description > CAUTION">• Do not disassemble the airbag control mo ...
POWER ASSISTED SYSTEM (POWER STEERING) > Electric Power Steering GearboxASSEMBLY1. Install the tie-rod into rack.Tightening torque:90 N·m (9.18 kgf-m, 66.4 ft-lb)NOTE:Check the mating face of rack and tie-rod for foreign matter such as dust etc.2. Apply a coat of grease to the tie-rod groo ...