Subaru Crosstrek manuals

Subaru Crosstrek Service Manual: Removal



1. Lift up the vehicle, and then remove the front wheels.

2. Remove the under cover - front. Front Under Cover > REMOVAL">

3. Remove the front arm assembly.

(1) Remove the bolt, and then detach the front support. (Electric power steering model only)

(2) Remove the bolts and nuts, and then remove the front arm rear plate.

(3) Remove the nut and disconnect the stabilizer link.

(4) Pull out the cotter pin (a), remove the castle nut (b), and remove the ball joint assembly from front arm assembly.

(5) Remove the nuts, pull out the flange bolt, and remove the front arm assembly.

FRONT SUSPENSION > Front ArmASSEMBLY1. BUSHING FRONT - FRONT ARM1. Before assembly, inspect the following items and replace any faulty part with a new one.• Check the front arm assembly for d ...

FRONT SUSPENSION > Front ArmDISASSEMBLY1. BUSHING FRONT - FRONT ARM1. Put an alignment mark on the front arm assembly based on the split portion of the bushing intermediate plate of the busing fron ...

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