Check list for interview Check
EyeSight (DIAGNOSTICS) > Check List for InterviewCHECKInspect the following items regarding the vehicle’s state.Writer/InspectorWriter’s name Inspector’s Name Vehicle informationCar accessory equipment conditionCar accessory is installed to the windshield glass.No/Yes(Position: ...
Dtc b1578 meter
IMMOBILIZER (DIAGNOSTICS) > Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)DTC B1578 METERDTC DETECTING CONDITION:• Except for C5 modelReference code incompatibility between combination meter and body integrated unit or communication failure between body integrated unit and ECM&bull ...
Dtc u0122 lost communication with vehicle dynamics control module
ENGINE (DIAGNOSTICS)(H4DO) > Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)DTC U0122 LOST COMMUNICATION WITH VEHICLE DYNAMICS CONTROL MODULENOTE:For the diagnostic procedure, refer to LAN section. Basic Diagnostic Procedure">1. OUTLINE OF DIAGNOSISDetect malfunction of CAN commu ...