Subaru Crosstrek manuals

Subaru Crosstrek Owners Manual

Subaru Crosstrek Owners Manual


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Dtc b28b9 eyesight steering switch 2
EyeSight (DIAGNOSTICS) > Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)DTC B28B9 EyeSight STEERING SWITCH 2Detected when steering switch for EyeSight is not installed, is open-circuited or is stuck to ON.Refer to DTC B28B8 for diagnostic procedure. Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic T ...

Diagnostic procedure for subaru select monitor communication Communication for initializing impossible
CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSMISSION (DIAGNOSTICS) > Diagnostic Procedure for Subaru Select Monitor CommunicationCOMMUNICATION FOR INITIALIZING IMPOSSIBLEDiagnosis:Defective harness connectorTrouble symptom:Subaru Select Monitor communication failureCAUTION:Use the check board when measuring the TC ...

INTAKE (INDUCTION)(H4DO) > General DescriptionCAUTION• Prior to starting work, pay special attention to the following:1. Always wear work clothes, a work cap, and protective shoes. Additionally, wear a helmet, protective goggles, etc. if necessary.2. Protect the vehicle using a seat cover, ...

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