Parking brake stroke
Check the parking brake stroke according
to the maintenance schedule in the
"Warranty and Maintenance Booklet".
When the parking brake is properly
adjusted, braking power is fully applied
by pulling the lever up 7 to 8 notches
gently but firmly (approximately 45 lbf [200
N, 20.4 kgf]). ...
Radiator cap Inspection
COOLING(H4DO) > Radiator CapINSPECTION1. Check that the radiator cap does not have deformation, cracks or damage.2. Attach the radiator cap tester to radiator cap.3. Increase pressure until the radiator cap tester gauge needle stops. Radiator cap is functioning properly if it holds the service li ...
VEHICLE DYNAMICS CONTROL (VDC) > ABS Sequence ControlOPERATION1. While the ABS sequence control is being performed, the operation of the hydraulic unit can be checked using the brake tester or pressure gauge after the hydraulic unit solenoid valve operation.2. ABS sequence control can be started ...