VEHICLE DYNAMICS CONTROL (VDC) (DIAGNOSTICS) > General DescriptionINSPECTIONBefore performing diagnosis, check the following items which might affect VDC problems.1. BATTERYCheck the battery. Battery > INSPECTION">2. GROUNDCheck the tightening torque of the ground bolt for VDC.3. BRAK ...
Basic diagnostic procedure Procedure
INSTRUMENTATION/DRIVER INFO (DIAGNOSTICS) > Basic Diagnostic ProcedurePROCEDURE1. COMBINATION METERSTEPCHECKYESNO1.PERFORM CUSTOMER INTERVIEW.Using the Check List for Interview, ask the customer the condition of how trouble occurs. Check List for Interview > CHECK">Did you interview t ...
Data link connector Note
ENGINE (DIAGNOSTICS)(H4DO) > Data Link ConnectorNOTEThis connector is used for Subaru Select Monitor.CAUTION:Do not connect any scan tools other than Subaru Select Monitor or general scan tool because the circuit may be damaged.Terminal No.ContentsTerminal No.Contents1Blank9Blank2Blank10Blank3Bla ...