BRAKE > Rear Disc RotorINSTALLATIONNOTE:Before installation, remove mud and foreign matter from the caliper body assembly.1. Before installation, check the rear disc rotor. Rear Disc Rotor > INSPECTION">2. Install each part in the reverse order of removal.NOTE:When installing the rear ...
Power window operation by passengers
Passenger's side power window switches
Each passenger window can be controlled
by the power window switch located on
the door.
Operating the windows
To open:
Press the switch down and hold it until the
window reaches the desired position.
To close:
Pull the switch up and hold it u ...
LIGHTING SYSTEM > Stop Light SystemNOTEFor operation procedures of each component of the stop light system, refer to the respective section.• Rear combination light assembly: Rear Combination Light Assembly">• Tail light/stop light bulb: Tail/Stop Light Bulb">• ...