CRUISE CONTROL SYSTEM > Stop Light & Brake Switch
For the operation procedures for stop light and brake switch, refer to “BRAKE” section. Stop Light Switch">
LIGHTING SYSTEM > Front Fog Light AssemblyADJUSTMENT1. FOG LIGHT AIMING1. Before checking the fog light assembly - front beam level, be sure of the following:• The area around the fog light assembly - front has not sustained any scratches, damage or other type of deformation.• The veh ...
CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSMISSION(TR580) > CVTFREPLACEMENTCAUTION:• Directly after the vehicle has been running or the engine has been idling for a long time, the CVTF is hot. Be careful not to burn yourself.• Be careful not to spill the CVTF on exhaust pipe to prevent it from emitti ...
CONTROL SYSTEMS > AT Shift Lock Solenoid and “P” Range SwitchREMOVAL1. SOLENOID UNIT1. Remove the AT select lever. Select Lever > REMOVAL">2. Remove the spacer and gasket. Select Lever > DISASSEMBLY">3. Using a flat tip screwdriver with a thin tip, remove the h ...