The roof antenna is installed in the center at the rear part of the roof.
The antenna rod can be removed by unscrewing it from its base.
Secondary pressure (line pressure) test Inspection
CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSMISSION(TR580) > Secondary Pressure (Line Pressure) TestINSPECTIONCAUTION:• Directly after the vehicle has been running or the engine has been idling for a long time, the CVTF is hot. Be careful not to burn yourself.• Make sure no other person is around the ...
Locking and unlocking from the inside
To lock the door from the inside, rotate the
lock lever forward. To unlock the door from
the inside, rotate the lock lever rearward.
The red mark on the lock lever appears
when the door is unlocked.
Pull the inside door handle to open an
unlocked door.
Always mak ...
EXTERIOR/INTERIOR TRIM > Roof SpoilerREMOVAL1. Disconnect the ground cable from battery. NOTE">2. Remove the trim panel - rear gate UPR. Rear Gate Trim > REMOVAL">3. Remove the roof spoiler assembly.(1) Disconnect the connector of high-mounted stop light.(2) Remove the caps, ...