CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSMISSION(TR580) > Differential Gear OilADJUSTMENTNOTE:Immediately after removing the overflow drain plug, remaining gear oil (approx. 8 cc) may come out of the overflow pipe. This is not included in the specified amount. When removing the overflow drain plug, make sure t ...
BRAKE > Rear Brake PadINSPECTION1. Check the pad thickness.NOTE:• Always replace the pads of both wheels and both sides as a set.• Replace pad clips if they are twisted or worn.• Replace the pad if there is oil or grease on it.• A wear indicator is installed on the pad - d ...
CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSMISSION (DIAGNOSTICS) > AT OIL TEMP Warning Light DisplayOPERATIONThe AT OIL TEMP light illuminates or blinks, when the ATF temperature is high and malfunction occurs in CVT.• At normal conditionAfter turning the ignition switch to ON, illuminates for 2 seconds th ...