LIGHTING SYSTEM > Day Time Running Resistor
1. Disconnect the ground cable from battery. NOTE">
2. Lift up the vehicle.
3. Remove the screw and clips, and turn over the front side of the mud guard - front.
4. Remove the resistor assembly - daytime running light.
The resistor may become hot. Be careful not to burn yourself when removing it.
(1) Disconnect the connector.
(2) Remove the bolts, then remove the resistor assembly - daytime running light.
Dtc u0164 lost communication with hvac control module
LAN SYSTEM (DIAGNOSTICS) > Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)DTC U0164 LOST COMMUNICATION WITH HVAC CONTROL MODULEDTC DETECTING CONDITION:No data is received from A/C control panel.TROUBLE SYMPTOM:Cooperation control of air conditioner does not operate properly.STEPCHECKYESNO ...
COMMUNICATION SYSTEM > General DescriptionCAUTION• Before disconnecting connectors of sensors or units, be sure to disconnect the ground cable from battery.• When replacing the audio and MFD parts provided with memory functions, record the memory contents before disconnecting the batt ...
Real-time diagnosis Operation
CRUISE CONTROL SYSTEM (DIAGNOSTICS) > Real-time DiagnosisOPERATION1. On «Start» display, select «Diagnosis».2. On «Vehicle selection» display, input the target vehicle information and select «Confirmed».3. On «Main Menu» display, select «Each System».4. On «Select System» display, s ...