The rear tie-down holes are located near each of the jack-up reinforcements.
There is a plug in each rear tie-down hole.
To use the rear tie-down holes, remove the plugs. After using the rear tie-down holes, return the plugs to their original places.
Use the rear tie-down holes only for downward anchoring. If they are used to anchor the vehicle in any other direction, cables may slip out of the holes, possibly causing a dangerous situation.
Dtc p2123 throttle/pedal position sensor/switch "d" circuit high
ENGINE (DIAGNOSTICS)(H4DO) > Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)DTC P2123 THROTTLE/PEDAL POSITION SENSOR/SWITCH "D" CIRCUIT HIGHDTC detecting condition:Immediately at fault recognitionTrouble symptom:• Improper idling• Poor driving performanceCAUTION:Afte ...
CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSMISSION(TR580) > Drive PlateINSTALLATION1. Temporarily install the drive plate and reinforcement drive plate.NOTE:Align the knock pin hole of the crankshaft position sensor plate to the knock pin of the crankshaft to secure the knock pin.2. Set the ST.ST 498497300CRA ...
Dtc b278d id code box judgment circuit
KEYLESS ACCESS WITH PUSH BUTTON START SYSTEM (DIAGNOSTICS) > Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)DTC B278D ID CODE BOX JUDGMENT CIRCUITDTC detecting condition:• When ID code box setting is set to OFF, ID code box ON input is detected.• When ID code box setting is se ...