The rear tie-down holes are located near each of the jack-up reinforcements.
There is a plug in each rear tie-down hole.
To use the rear tie-down holes, remove the plugs. After using the rear tie-down holes, return the plugs to their original places.
Use the rear tie-down holes only for downward anchoring. If they are used to anchor the vehicle in any other direction, cables may slip out of the holes, possibly causing a dangerous situation.
Dtc b2790 id code box circuit
KEYLESS ACCESS WITH PUSH BUTTON START SYSTEM (DIAGNOSTICS) > Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)DTC B2790 ID CODE BOX CIRCUITDTC detecting condition:An error has occurred inside the ID code box.Trouble symptom:Engine will not start.CAUTION:For replacement procedure of ID code ...
Dtc p000a "a" camshaft position slow response bank 1
ENGINE (DIAGNOSTICS)(H4DO) > Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)DTC P000A "A" CAMSHAFT POSITION SLOW RESPONSE BANK 1NOTE:For the diagnostic procedure, refer to DTC P0011. Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) > DTC P0011 "A" CAMSHAFT P ...
Dtc u0452 invalid data received from restraints control module
TELEMATICS SYSTEM (DIAGNOSTICS) > Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)DTC U0452 INVALID DATA RECEIVED FROM RESTRAINTS CONTROL MODULEDetected when CAN data from airbag CM is abnormal.NOTE:Perform the diagnosis for LAN system. Basic Diagnostic Procedure > PROCEDURE"> ...