BRAKE > Brake Hose
Check the hose for crack, interference with other parts, damage, and fluid leakage on connecting sections. If any faulty is found, repair or replace the relevant part.
CONTROL SYSTEMS > Select CableINSTALLATION1. Position the select cable as shown in the figure, and install it to the plate assembly.CAUTION:• If the cable is installed in the wrong direction, loosen the bracket bolts, and then reinstall the cable in the correct direction.• Do not adju ...
Check list for interview Check
ENTERTAINMENT > Check List for InterviewCHECK• Inspect the following items regarding the vehicle’s state.• Print out this page for interviewing customers.1. MODEL WITH 6.2 INCH DISPLAYCheck List for InterviewDate of Vehicle Bring-in Year Month Da ...
Stowage of the cargo area cover
The cargo area cover can be stowed in
under the cargo floor.
1. Raise and fold the rear end of the
cargo floor board.
2. Stow the cover housing in the cargo
area end.
3. Put the cargo floor board back while
hanging two retaining straps on the hooks
that are located on the rear wa ...