Subaru Crosstrek manuals

Subaru Crosstrek Service Manual: Disassembly

BRAKE > Front Disc Brake Assembly



Be careful not to allow foreign matter to enter the brake hose connector.

1. Remove mud and foreign matter from the caliper body.

2. Remove the piston - disc brake.

(1) Place a wooden block in the caliper body as shown in the figure to prevent the piston - disc brake from jumping out and being damaged.

(2) Using an air gun, gradually apply compressed air via the brake hose installation hole to push out the piston - disc brake.

3. Remove the piston boot (b) and piston seal (c) from the caliper body cylinder (a).


Do not damage the cylinder and piston seal groove.

4. Remove the guide pin - front brake, lock pin - front brake, lock pin - sleeve, and pin boot from the support - front disc brake.


Guide pin - front brake (black)


Lock pin - sleeve


Pin boot


Lock pin - front brake (silver)

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