This gives a high rating to the current song.
All other similar songs will be played back more frequently.
This gives a low rating to the current song.
All other similar songs will be played back less frequently.
When you select thumbs down, the current track is skipped.
Press to turn the audio system on/off.
Press to select an audio source. Refer to "Selecting an audio source" F5-18.
Connecting a smartphone
Connect the iPhone/iPod touch to the USB port or connect the Android device by using Bluetooth connection (SPP and A2DP profile).
Dtc b28b5 +b circuit open
EyeSight (DIAGNOSTICS) > Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)DTC B28B5 +B CIRCUIT OPENDetected when there is an open circuit in power supply line.NOTE:Refer to DTC B2814 for diagnostic procedure. Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) > DTC B2814 POWER SUPP ...
Efficient cooling after parking in direct sunlight
After parking in direct sunlight, drive with
the windows open for a few minutes to allow outside air to circulate into the
heated interior. This results in quicker
cooling by the air conditioner. Keep the
windows closed during the operation of
the air conditioner for maximum cooling
efficiency ...
Clear memory mode Operation
POWER ASSISTED SYSTEM (POWER STEERING) (DIAGNOSTICS) > Clear Memory ModeOPERATION1. On «Start» display, select «Diagnosis».2. On «Vehicle selection» display, input the vehicle information and select «Confirmed».3. On «Main Menu» display, select «Each System».4. On «Select System» di ...