Dtc c0038 rl pressure reducing valve malfunction
VEHICLE DYNAMICS CONTROL (VDC) (DIAGNOSTICS) > Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)DTC C0038 RL PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE MALFUNCTIONNOTE:For the diagnostic procedure, refer to “C0064 NORMAL CLOSING VALVE 2 MALFUNCTION”. Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble C ...
BRAKE > Rear Brake PadINSPECTION1. Check the pad thickness.NOTE:• Always replace the pads of both wheels and both sides as a set.• Replace pad clips if they are twisted or worn.• Replace the pad if there is oil or grease on it.• A wear indicator is installed on the pad - d ...
MANUAL TRANSMISSION AND DIFFERENTIAL(5MT) > Transmission CaseINSTALLATION1. Wipe off grease, oil and dust on the mating surfaces of transmission cases with cleaning solvent.2. Install the reverse idler gear. Reverse Idler Gear > INSTALLATION">3. Install the shifter fork and rod. Shif ...