Dtc b2a04 mic circuit
TELEMATICS SYSTEM (DIAGNOSTICS) > Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)DTC B2A04 MIC CIRCUITDiagnosis start condition:When ACC is ON.DTC detecting condition:Any of the followings continues for 1 second or more.• MIC impedance is more than 10 k?. (Detached MIC, etc.)• ...
SUNROOF/T-TOP/CONVERTIBLE TOP (SUNROOF) > Sunroof Control SystemOPERATION1. INITIALIZE OPERATIONCAUTION:During initialization, perform the position learning and the sliding learning. Sliding learning mode can not be initiated unless the position learning is performed.NOTE:When initialize operatio ...
SECURITY AND LOCKS > Keyless Access Outdoor AntennaREMOVAL1. FRONT ANTENNACAUTION:Do not remove the antenna from the front door outer handle.If replacement is needed, replace the front outer handle assembly as a set.Remove the handle - door outer. Front Outer Handle > REMOVAL">2. REAR ...